Colleen B.
“I deal with severe chronic pain as part of a disorder that in general makes me a very difficult case to treat. I have been to all manner of massage/massage therapists, as well as other pain management modalities. With that level of experience I can assure you that Sarah is a top-notch provider.
She has a background in Nursing, so has a really in-depth knowledge of body mechanics that gives her a greater understanding of what she is working with (your body) than I believe most massage therapists have.
Beyond her mechanical knowledge, she also has a well honed intuition. Mechanics can be taught...intuition on the other hand is something you either have or you don't. My pain/issues are ever fluctuating, just when you think my body is going to zig, it zags. No two sessions are ever the same with me. Sarah handles this as though it is the most normal thing in the world and is able to asses and adjust without skipping a beat. She listens to what you say, and does everything in her power to help you heal.
I will (and do) go out of my way to get an appointment with her!” - Colleen B.